Conspiracy theorist blames Brazil floods on baseless 'magnetic shift' claim

Post Content
2024-05-16 21:08:15

Australia tries to stop a violence against women 'epidemic', starting with schools

As the nation reels from the Bondi Junction stabbings, what can be done to shift behaviour?
2024-05-11 07:08:03

German-Polish border towns celebrate EU's eastward shift 20 years ago

Post Content
2024-05-01 17:08:34

Petíciót indítottak, hogy még kevesebb ruha legyen a Stellar Blade főszereplőjén

A játékosok nekimentek a PlayStationnek.
2024-04-29 21:08:35

Japan needs to shift energy security focus to critical minerals

Post Content
2024-04-29 20:08:58

Iran Says Israeli Threats May Spark Shift in Nuclear Policy

Post Content
2024-04-18 18:09:12

Move over beer - Germany decriminalises cannabis

Campaigners hail the law shift, which comes into force on 1 April - though police are less thrilled.
2024-04-01 03:07:36

US Senators Call on Israel to Shift Gaza Tactics as Deaths Rise

Post Content
2023-11-05 22:06:54

Eric and Donald Trump Jr tried to shift blame, while their lawyers feuded with the New York judge.
2023-11-03 19:07:27

Donald Trump's sons defiant in New York fraud trial, try to shift blame to accountants

Eric and Donald Jr have tried to distance themselves from the Trump Organization's financial documents.
2023-11-02 23:06:30

World shift to clean energy is unstoppable, IEA report says

The world is shifting rapidly to clean energy but still investing too much in fossil fuels, the IEA says.
2023-10-24 07:11:14

Norway Renames Oil and Energy Department to Reflect Green Shift

Post Content
2023-10-16 14:11:42

New Zealand election: Disillusioned voters eye shift away from the left

Three years on from Jacinda Ardern's sweeping victory, polls indicate voters will desert Labour.
2023-10-12 21:11:13

Xi?s G-20 Snub Marks Shift From Statesman to China ?Emperor?

Post Content
2023-09-04 07:08:29

Confusion and fear at US border as law change looms

A dramatic shift in US policy is just hours away, which could spark a surge of people at the southern border.
2023-05-11 12:09:21

Seismic demographic shift as India overtakes China: Q&A

Post Content
2023-04-19 14:13:08

Wall Street says bad news is no longer good news. Here's why

There's been a seismic shift in investor perspective: Bad news is no longer good news.
2023-04-10 18:08:06

Egypt's Suez Canal blocked by large container ship

Several tug boats are deployed to shift the vessel, which is causing a build-up of shipping traffic.
2021-03-24 01:06:50

Prosecution expected to now focus on proving Chauvin's actions should be considered murder

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo is expected to testify in Derek Chauvin's trial on Monday as prosecutors shift their focus from what happened to George Floyd to a closer analysis of what it means legally.
2021-04-05 18:05:46

Corporate America is breaking up with the GOP

The ever-moving tectonic shift underneath American politics is prime for another quake as civil rights starts to outweigh corporate tax rates in the calculating minds of big American businesses.
2021-04-05 22:05:49

Arrests and deportations of immigrants in US illegally drop under Biden with shift in priorities

The number of people arrested and deported for being in the US illegally has dropped under President Joe Biden after his administration narrowed its enforcement focus to those who may pose a threat or have criminal backgrounds, marking a shift from the policies under the Trump administration.
2021-04-07 05:05:40

12 European football teams to form breakaway 'Super League'

Twelve of the top football clubs in Europe made an announcement Sunday that may shift the landscape of European football.
2021-04-19 04:05:42

12 European football teams to form breakaway 'Super League'

Twelve of the top football clubs in Europe made an announcement Sunday that may shift the landscape of European football.
2021-04-19 10:05:52

White House backtracks after Biden calls border situation a 'crisis'

The White House on Monday backtracked after President Joe Biden over the weekend described the influx of migrant children on the country's southern border as a "crisis," in what appeared to be a notable shift in language.
2021-04-19 19:05:46

Meet the new leader of Cuba's Communist Party

The shift in power away from Cuba's Raul Castro is finally afoot.
2021-04-20 01:05:46

Egy kutatás szerint az iPhone-ok kékfény-szűrője igazából nem segít hamarabb elaludni

Az iOS operációs rendszernek már régóta része a Night Shift, vagyis az éjszakai mód, amely papíron a súlyos problémákhoz vezető kialvatlanságot is segíthet megelőzni. Egy új kutatás ellentmond ennek.
2021-04-29 11:07:11

Egy kutatás szerint az iPhone-ok kékfény-szűrője igazából nem segít hamarabb elaludni

Az iOS operációs rendszernek már régóta része a Night Shift, vagyis az éjszakai mód, amely papíron a súlyos problémákhoz vezető kialvatlanságot is segíthet megelőzni. Egy új kutatás ellentmond ennek.
2021-04-29 11:07:14

Top US, Japanese and South Korean military leaders meet, underscoring US shift from the Middle East to China

The top US general met his South Korean and Japanese counterparts in Hawaii Thursday, emphasizing America's commitment to "long-term peace and stability in the region" and underscoring a broader US shift from the Middle East to China.
2021-04-30 08:05:59

Top US, Japanese and South Korean military leaders meet, underscoring US shift from the Middle East to China

The top US general met his South Korean and Japanese counterparts in Hawaii Thursday, emphasizing America's commitment to "long-term peace and stability in the region" and underscoring a broader US shift from the Middle East to China.
2021-04-30 12:05:41

Meet the new leader of Cuba's Communist Party

The shift in power away from Cuba's Raul Castro is finally afoot.
2021-05-01 06:05:41

Workers to move btw prisons to cover shortages

2021-05-06 19:05:46

UK under 40s to be offered alternative to AZ vaccine

Link to rare blood clots leads to shift in vaccination programme for younger age groups.
2021-05-07 13:06:29

Israeli and Palestinian violence pulls US focus back to Middle East, despite Biden's plans

Entering office, President Joe Biden hoped to shift US foreign policy away from the Middle East and toward areas he thought of as more modern-day threats: China, Russia and cyberspace.
2021-05-12 13:05:41

'This is a huge step for law enforcement.' Police unions shift stance on protecting bad officers

In response to the police killing George Floyd, 15 unions that represent law enforcement officers across the US have endorsed a blueprint for policing that includes an unprecedented shift in the way unions protect bad police officers, according to a copy of the plan obtained by CNN ahead of its release this week.
2021-05-17 17:05:46

Rift grows within Democratic Party over Israeli-Palestinian conflict as violence intensifies

A number of congressional Democrats are ramping up pressure on the Biden administration to more forcefully engage on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as violence in the region intensifies, revealing a delicate shift in the way Democrats have talked about Israel for decades and a small crack in the party on foreign policy.
2021-05-18 05:05:40

'This is a huge step for law enforcement.' Police unions shift stance on protecting bad officers

In response to the police killing George Floyd, 15 unions that represent law enforcement officers across the US have endorsed a blueprint for policing that includes an unprecedented shift in the way unions protect bad police officers, according to a copy of the plan obtained by CNN ahead of its release this week.
2021-05-18 18:05:42

Trump ditches Florida and heads north for the summer

As reliably as seasons change, so does Donald Trump shift his primary residence.
2021-05-19 14:05:48

French oil giant Total rebrands in shift to renewables

Total is the latest energy giant to face pressure from shareholders to reduce carbon emissions faster.
2021-05-28 13:06:21

The story of Spain?s ?terrifying confidence? ? and how it conquered the world

One night of embarrassment in October 2006 convinced Spain that something had to change - sparking a momentum shift in world football.
2021-06-01 03:06:02

Poll: Two-thirds of Americans say life is at least somewhat back to pre-pandemic normal

Two-thirds of US adults now say their lives are at least somewhat back to normalcy, according to a new Gallup survey, reflecting a major shift in sentiments since last fall. Americans are more optimistic and less worried about coronavirus than at any point previously in the course of the pandemic, although disruptions due to the virus -- and partisan divides over its impact -- persist.
2021-06-05 03:05:39

US Justice Department says it will no longer seize reporters' records for leak investigations

The Justice Department on Saturday said it will no longer seize reporters' records in leak investigations, a notable policy shift on the heels of disclosures that federal prosecutors aggressively pursued communication data from reporters to identify their sources.
2021-06-05 19:05:41

Hamilton joins the late shift as Mercedes' late-night overtime pays off

Lewis Hamilton worked with his Mercedes team until 11pm to improve the car, then unintentionally helped Ferrari to pole position.
2021-06-05 22:06:39

The shocking government leak that changed everything in 1971

On Saturday, the US Justice Department announced that it would no longer seize reporters' records as part of leak investigations. The announcement came after President Joe Biden told CNN that the practice was "wrong, it's simply, simply wrong. I will not let that happen." The shift in policy came as a surprise, since such seizures had happened under both Republican and Democratic administrations -- including while Biden was vice president.
2021-06-10 16:05:55

Amazon is battling a mood shift ? even if Prime Day is a success

After months of failing to break out, Amazon's stock is close to a record high. Thank Prime Day, the annual sales bonanza that kicks off Monday.
2021-06-22 12:05:41

Trump visits the South Texas border amid a shift in the region toward Republicans

Former President Donald Trump still wants a wall on the southern border. And he said it's Democrats' fault it hasn't happened yet.
2021-07-01 03:05:47

One of the biggest names in craft beer is hopping over to the cannabis business

Nearly 20 years ago, a batch of hand-canned beers started a seismic shift in the craft beer industry. Now the man behind that endeavor is turning his attention to hand-cultivated cannabis.
2021-07-15 17:05:43

Senior Biden officials finding that Covid lab leak theory as credible as natural origins explanation

Senior Biden administration officials overseeing an intelligence review into the origins of the coronavirus now believe the theory that the virus accidentally escaped from a lab in Wuhan is at least as credible as the possibility that it emerged naturally in the wild -- a dramatic shift from a year ago, when Democrats publicly downplayed the so-called lab leak theory.
2021-07-17 01:05:40

Biden officials shift to an urgent tone as Covid-19 fight enters troubling new phase

Biden administration officials acknowledged Thursday the pandemic that appeared to be waning a month ago has entered a new, troubling phase.
2021-07-23 04:05:52

Climate change: Israel to cut 85% of emissions by mid-century

PM Naftali Bennett says the decision will help the country gradually shift to a low-carbon economy.
2021-07-25 22:06:20

Apple, Google and Microsoft made $57 billion last quarter

A rapid shift to digitization due to Covid-19 has handsomely benefited the world's biggest tech companies. Yet even as the pandemic eased, they still minted record sums of money.
2021-07-28 15:05:45

Hollywood's shift to streaming is rewriting the script for stars' big paydays

Like other changes to entertainment distribution through the years, the studio shift toward streaming ? hastened by the unforeseen consequences of the pandemic ? has Hollywood talent and their representatives demanding a different way to be paid.
2021-07-31 16:05:40

Europe aims to kill gasoline and diesel cars by 2035

The European Union has announced plans to end the sale of polluting vehicles by 2035, an ambitious goal that would put hybrid cars on the endangered species list and usher in a rapid and dramatic shift to fully electric models.
2021-08-05 20:13:37

Get first-hand look at life under Taliban rule outside of Kabul

A lot has changed since the Taliban were last in charge, like cell phones and social media. But much has not, especially Afghanistan's enduring problem: poverty. The week after Kabul fell a local journalist took a road trip from the border to the capital. On this journey, two things become clear: the financial mess Afghanistan is in and the sharp shift to religious rule. CNN's Nic Robertson reports.
2021-09-06 13:05:48

Volkswagen CEO on the race to electric, the chip shortage and Elon Musk

CEO Herbert Diess wants electric cars to make up half of the Volkswagen Group's sales in 2030, and 100% of its sales in major markets should be zero-emission by 2040. To achieve those goals, he has to dramatically shift one of the world's largest carmakers away from the internal combustion engine.
2021-09-06 14:05:46

See what life under Taliban rule looks like outside of Kabul

A lot has changed since the Taliban were last in charge, like cell phones and social media. But much has not, especially Afghanistan's enduring problem: poverty. The week after Kabul fell a local journalist took a road trip from the border to the capital. On this journey, two things become clear: the financial mess Afghanistan is in and the sharp shift to religious rule. CNN's Nic Robertson reports.
2021-09-07 01:05:48

Delta variant outbreak threatens Singapore's 'living with Covid' model

Singapore has warned it may need to reimpose Covid-19 restrictions if a new outbreak of the highly infectious Delta variant is not contained, putting at risk the city's shift towards living with the virus.
2021-09-07 08:05:45

Animals are 'shape shifting' in response to climate change

Some warm-blooded animals are experiencing shifts in their body shapes, likely as a response to the pressures of climate change, according to a new review of existing research.
2021-09-07 17:05:43

Norway appears set to replace Conservative government amid oil debate, preliminary results show

Norway appears set to put an end to the Conservative-led coalition government's eight years of rule, preliminary results from the country's parliamentary election showed on Monday ? a shift that environmental advocates have long awaited as they push to end the country's dependence on its lucrative oil industry.
2021-09-13 23:05:46

Norway set to end 8 years of Conservative rule, preliminary results show

Norway appears set to put an end to the Conservative-led coalition government's eight years of rule, preliminary results from the country's parliamentary election showed on Monday ? a shift that environmental advocates have long awaited as they push to end the country's dependence on its lucrative oil industry.
2021-09-14 00:05:43

New pact is part of power shift in Asia Pacific

The agreement will increase Western presence in the region, amid concerns about China's growing influence.
2021-09-16 13:06:47


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